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lua.txt    Nvim

                            NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL

Lua engine                                                           lua Lua

                                       Type gO to see the table of contents.

INTRODUCTION                                                       lua-intro

The Lua 5.1 script engine is builtin and always available. Try this command to
get an idea of what lurks beneath: 

    :lua print(vim.inspect(package.loaded))

Nvim includes a "standard library" lua-stdlib for Lua.  It complements the
"editor stdlib" (builtin-functions and Ex-commands) and the API, all of
which can be used from Lua code (lua-vimscript vim.api). Together these
"namespaces" form the Nvim programming interface.

Lua plugins and user config are automatically discovered and loaded, just like
Vimscript. See lua-guide for practical guidance.

You can also run Lua scripts from your shell using the -l argument: 
    nvim -l foo.lua [args...]

Lua 5.1 is the permanent interface for Nvim Lua.  Plugins need only consider
Lua 5.1, not worry about forward-compatibility with future Lua versions.  If
Nvim ever ships with Lua 5.4+, a Lua 5.1 compatibility shim will be provided
so that old plugins continue to work transparently.

Neovim is built with luajit on platforms which support it, which provides
extra functionality. Lua code in init.lua and plugins can assume its presence
on installations on common platforms. For maximum compatibility with less
common platforms, availability can be checked using the jit global variable: 
  if jit then
    -- code for luajit
    -- code for plain lua 5.1

In particular, the luajit "bit" extension module is _always_ available.
A fallback implementation is included when nvim is built with PUC lua 5.1,
and will be transparently used when require("bit") is invoked.

LUA CONCEPTS AND IDIOMS                                         lua-concepts

Lua is very simple: this means that, while there are some quirks, once you
internalize those quirks, everything works the same everywhere. Scopes
(closures) in particular are very consistent, unlike JavaScript or most other

Lua has three fundamental mechanisms—one for "each major aspect of
programming": tables, closures, and coroutines.
- Tables are the "object" or container datastructure: they represent both
  lists and maps, you can extend them to represent your own datatypes and
  change their behavior using luaref-metatable (like Python's "datamodel").
- EVERY scope in Lua is a closure: a function is a closure, a module is
  a closure, a do block (luaref-do) is a closure--and they all work the
  same. A Lua module is literally just a big closure discovered on the "path"
  (where your modules are found: package.cpath).
- Stackful coroutines enable cooperative multithreading, generators, and
  versatile control for both Lua and its host (Nvim).

Lua functions can be called in multiple ways. Consider the function: 
    local foo = function(a, b)
        print("A: ", a)
        print("B: ", b)

The first way to call this function is: 
    foo(1, 2)
    -- ==== Result ====
    -- A: 1
    -- B: 2

This way of calling a function is familiar from most scripting languages.
In Lua, any missing arguments are passed as nil. Example: 
    -- ==== Result ====
    -- A: 1
    -- B: nil

Furthermore it is not an error if extra parameters are passed, they are just

When calling a function, you can omit the parentheses if the function takes
exactly one string literal (`"foo"`) or table literal (`{1,2,3}`). The latter
is often used to approximate "named parameters" ("kwargs" or "keyword args")
as in languages like Python and C#. Example: 
    local func_with_opts = function(opts)
        local will_do_foo = opts.foo
        local filename = opts.filename

    func_with_opts { foo = true, filename = "hello.world" }

There's nothing special going on here except that parentheses are treated as
whitespace. But visually, this small bit of sugar gets reasonably close to
a "keyword args" interface.

It is of course also valid to call the function with parentheses: 
    func_with_opts({ foo = true, filename = "hello.world" })

Nvim tends to prefer the keyword args style.

LUA PATTERNS                                                    lua-patterns

Lua intentionally does not support regular expressions, instead it has limited
"patterns" luaref-patterns which avoid the performance pitfalls of extended
regex. Lua scripts can also use Vim regex via vim.regex().

These examples use string.match() to demonstrate Lua patterns: 

    print(string.match("foo123bar123", "%d+"))
    -- 123
    print(string.match("foo123bar123", "[^%d]+"))
    -- foo
    print(string.match("foo123bar123", "[abc]+"))
    -- ba
    print(string.match("foo.bar", "%.bar"))
    -- .bar

IMPORTING LUA MODULES                                  require() lua-require

Modules are searched for under the directories specified in 'runtimepath', in
the order they appear.  Any "." in the module name is treated as a directory
separator when searching.  For a module foo.bar, each directory is searched
for lua/foo/bar.lua, then lua/foo/bar/init.lua.  If no files are found,
the directories are searched again for a shared library with a name matching
lua/foo/bar.?, where ? is a list of suffixes (such as so or dll) derived from
the initial value of package.cpath. If still no files are found, Nvim falls
back to Lua's default search mechanism. The first script found is run and
require() returns the value returned by the script if any, else true.

The return value is cached after the first call to require() for each module,
with subsequent calls returning the cached value without searching for, or
executing any script. For further details on require(), see luaref-require().

For example, if 'runtimepath' is foo,bar and package.cpath was
./?.so;./?.dll at startup, require('mod') searches these paths in order
and loads the first module found ("first wins"): 

Nvim automatically adjusts package.path and package.cpath according to the
effective 'runtimepath' value. Adjustment happens whenever 'runtimepath' is
changed. package.path is adjusted by simply appending /lua/?.lua and
/lua/?/init.lua to each directory from 'runtimepath' (`/` is actually the
first character of package.config).

Similarly to package.path, modified directories from 'runtimepath' are also
added to package.cpath. In this case, instead of appending /lua/?.lua and
/lua/?/init.lua to each runtimepath, all unique ?-containing suffixes of
the existing package.cpath are used. Example:

- 1. Given that
   - 'runtimepath' contains /foo/bar,/xxx;yyy/baz,/abc;
   - initial package.cpath (defined at compile-time or derived from
     $LUA_CPATH / $LUA_INIT) contains ./?.so;/def/ghi/a?d/j/g.elf;/def/?.so.
- 2. It finds ?-containing suffixes /?.so, /a?d/j/g.elf and /?.so, in
     order: parts of the path starting from the first path component containing
     question mark and preceding path separator.
- 3. The suffix of /def/?.so, namely /?.so is not unique, as its the same
     as the suffix of the first path from package.path (i.e. ./?.so). Which
     leaves /?.so and /a?d/j/g.elf, in this order.
- 4. 'runtimepath' has three paths: /foo/bar, /xxx;yyy/baz and /abc. The
     second one contains a semicolon which is a paths separator so it is out,
     leaving only /foo/bar and /abc, in order.
- 5. The cartesian product of paths from 4. and suffixes from 3. is taken,
     giving four variants. In each variant a /lua path segment is inserted
     between path and suffix, leaving:
     - /foo/bar/lua/?.so
     - /foo/bar/lua/a?d/j/g.elf
     - /abc/lua/?.so
     - /abc/lua/a?d/j/g.elf
- 6. New paths are prepended to the original package.cpath.

The result will look like this: 

    /foo/bar,/xxx;yyy/baz,/abc ('runtimepath')
    × ./?.so;/def/ghi/a?d/j/g.elf;/def/?.so (package.cpath)
    = /foo/bar/lua/?.so;/foo/bar/lua/a?d/j/g.elf;/abc/lua/?.so;/abc/lua/a?d/j/g.elf;./?.so;/def/ghi/a?d/j/g.elf;/def/?.so


- To track 'runtimepath' updates, paths added at previous update are
  remembered and removed at the next update, while all paths derived from the
  new 'runtimepath' are prepended as described above. This allows removing
  paths when path is removed from 'runtimepath', adding paths when they are
  added and reordering package.path/package.cpath content if 'runtimepath'
  was reordered.

- Although adjustments happen automatically, Nvim does not track current
  values of package.path or package.cpath. If you happen to delete some
  paths from there you can set 'runtimepath' to trigger an update: 
      let &runtimepath = &runtimepath

- Skipping paths from 'runtimepath' which contain semicolons applies both to
  package.path and package.cpath. Given that there are some badly written
  plugins using shell, which will not work with paths containing semicolons,
  it is better to not have them in 'runtimepath' at all.

COMMANDS                                                        lua-commands

These commands execute a Lua chunk from either the command line (:lua, :luado)
or a file (:luafile) on the given line [range]. As always in Lua, each chunk
has its own scope (closure), so only global variables are shared between
command calls. The lua-stdlib modules, user modules, and anything else on
package.path are available.

The Lua print() function redirects its output to the Nvim message area, with
arguments separated by " " (space) instead of "\t" (tab).

                                                                  :lua= :lua
:lua {chunk}
    Executes Lua chunk {chunk}. If {chunk} starts with "=" the rest of the
    chunk is evaluated as an expression and printed. `:lua =expr` or :=expr is
    equivalent to `:lua print(vim.inspect(expr))`.

        :lua vim.api.nvim_command('echo "Hello, Nvim!"')
    To see the Lua version: 
        :lua print(_VERSION)
    To see the LuaJIT version: 
        :lua =jit.version

:lua << [endmarker]
    Executes Lua script {script} from within Vimscript. {endmarker} must NOT
    be preceded by whitespace. You can omit [endmarker] after the "<<" and use
    a dot "." after {script} (similar to :append, :insert).

        function! CurrentLineInfo()
        lua << EOF
        local linenr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
        local curline = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(
                0, linenr - 1, linenr, false)[1]
        print(string.format("Current line [%d] has %d bytes",
                linenr, #curline))

    Note that the local variables will disappear when the block finishes.
    But not globals.

:[range]luado {body}
    Executes Lua chunk "function(line, linenr) {body} end" for each buffer
    line in [range], where line is the current line text (without <EOL>),
    and linenr is the current line number. If the function returns a string
    that becomes the text of the corresponding buffer line. Default [range] is
    the whole file: "1,$".

        :luado return string.format("%s\t%d", line:reverse(), #line)

        :lua require"lpeg"
        :lua -- balanced parenthesis grammar:
        :lua bp = lpeg.P{ "(" * ((1 - lpeg.S"()") + lpeg.V(1))^0 * ")" }
        :luado if bp:match(line) then return "=>\t" .. line end

:luafile {file}
    Execute Lua script in {file}.
    The whole argument is used as the filename (like :edit), spaces do not
    need to be escaped. Alternatively you can :source Lua files.

        :luafile script.lua
        :luafile %

luaeval()                                                 lua-eval luaeval()

The (dual) equivalent of "vim.eval" for passing Lua values to Nvim is
"luaeval". "luaeval" takes an expression string and an optional argument used
for _A inside expression and returns the result of the expression. It is
semantically equivalent in Lua to: 

    local chunkheader = "local _A = select(1, ...) return "
    function luaeval (expstr, arg)
        local chunk = assert(loadstring(chunkheader .. expstr, "luaeval"))
        return chunk(arg) -- return typval

Lua nils, numbers, strings, tables and booleans are converted to their
respective Vimscript types. If a Lua string contains a NUL byte, it will be
converted to a Blob. Conversion of other Lua types is an error.

The magic global "_A" contains the second argument to luaeval().

    :echo luaeval('_A[1] + _A[2]', [40, 2])
    " 42
    :echo luaeval('string.match(_A, "[a-z]+")', 'XYXfoo123')
    " foo

Lua tables are used as both dictionaries and lists, so it is impossible to
determine whether empty table is meant to be empty list or empty dictionary.
Additionally Lua does not have integer numbers. To distinguish between these
cases there is the following agreement:

0. Empty table is empty list.
1. Table with N incrementally growing integral numbers, starting from 1 and
   ending with N is considered to be a list.
2. Table with string keys, none of which contains NUL byte, is considered to
   be a dictionary.
3. Table with string keys, at least one of which contains NUL byte, is also
   considered to be a dictionary, but this time it is converted to
   a msgpack-special-map.
4. Table with vim.type_idx key may be a dictionary, a list or floating-point
   - `{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.float, [vim.val_idx]=1}` is converted to
     a floating-point 1.0. Note that by default integral Lua numbers are
     converted to Numbers, non-integral are converted to Floats. This
     variant allows integral Floats.
   - {[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary} is converted to an empty
     dictionary, `{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary, [42]=1, a=2}` is
     converted to a dictionary `{'a': 42}`: non-string keys are ignored.
     Without vim.type_idx key tables with keys not fitting in 1., 2. or 3.
     are errors.
   - {[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array} is converted to an empty list. As well
     as `{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array, [42]=1}`: integral keys that do not
     form a 1-step sequence from 1 to N are ignored, as well as all
     non-integral keys.


    :echo luaeval('math.pi')
    :function Rand(x,y) " random uniform between x and y
    :  return luaeval('(_A.y-_A.x)*math.random()+_A.x', {'x':a:x,'y':a:y})
    :  endfunction
    :echo Rand(1,10)

Note: Second argument to luaeval is converted ("marshalled") from Vimscript
to Lua, so changes to Lua containers do not affect values in Vimscript. Return
value is also always converted. When converting, msgpack-special-dicts are
treated specially.

Vimscript v:lua interface                                         v:lua-call

From Vimscript the special v:lua prefix can be used to call Lua functions
which are global or accessible from global tables. The expression 
    call v:lua.func(arg1, arg2)
is equivalent to the Lua chunk 
    return func(...)
where the args are converted to Lua values. The expression 
    call v:lua.somemod.func(args)
is equivalent to the Lua chunk 
    return somemod.func(...)

In addition, functions of packages can be accessed like 
    call v:lua.require'mypack'.func(arg1, arg2)
    call v:lua.require'mypack.submod'.func(arg1, arg2)
Note: Only single quote form without parens is allowed. Using
require"mypack" or require('mypack') as prefixes do NOT work (the latter
is still valid as a function call of itself, in case require returns a useful

The v:lua prefix may be used to call Lua functions as methods. For
    :eval arg1->v:lua.somemod.func(arg2)

You can use v:lua in "func" options like 'tagfunc', 'omnifunc', etc.
For example consider the following Lua omnifunc handler: 

    function mymod.omnifunc(findstart, base)
      if findstart == 1 then
        return 0
        return {'stuff', 'steam', 'strange things'}
    vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(0, 'omnifunc', 'v:lua.mymod.omnifunc')

Note: The module ("mymod" in the above example) must either be a Lua global,
or use require() as shown above to access it from a package.

Note: v:lua without a call is not allowed in a Vimscript expression:
Funcrefs cannot represent Lua functions. The following are errors: 

    let g:Myvar = v:lua.myfunc        " Error
    call SomeFunc(v:lua.mycallback)   " Error
    let g:foo = v:lua                 " Error
    let g:foo = v:['lua']             " Error

Lua standard modules                                              lua-stdlib

The Nvim Lua "standard library" (stdlib) is the vim module, which exposes
various functions and sub-modules. It is always loaded, thus require("vim")
is unnecessary.

You can peek at the module properties: 

    :lua print(vim.inspect(vim))

Result is something like this: 

      _os_proc_children = <function 1>,
      _os_proc_info = <function 2>,
      api = {
        nvim__id = <function 5>,
        nvim__id_array = <function 6>,
      deepcopy = <function 106>,
      gsplit = <function 107>,

To find documentation on e.g. the "deepcopy" function: 

    :help vim.deepcopy()

Note that underscore-prefixed functions (e.g. "_os_proc_children") are
internal/private and must not be used by plugins.

VIM.LOOP                                                   lua-loop vim.loop

vim.loop exposes all features of the Nvim event-loop. This is a low-level
API that provides functionality for networking, filesystem, and process
management. Try this command to see available functions: 

    :lua print(vim.inspect(vim.loop))

Internally, vim.loop wraps the "luv" Lua bindings for the LibUV library;
see luv-intro for a full reference manual.

                                                    E5560 lua-loop-callbacks
It is an error to directly invoke vim.api functions (except api-fast) in
vim.loop callbacks. For example, this is an error: 

    local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
    timer:start(1000, 0, function()
      vim.api.nvim_command('echomsg "test"')

To avoid the error use vim.schedule_wrap() to defer the callback: 

    local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
    timer:start(1000, 0, vim.schedule_wrap(function()
      vim.api.nvim_command('echomsg "test"')

(For one-shot timers, see vim.defer_fn(), which automatically adds the

Example: repeating timer
    1. Save this code to a file.
    2. Execute it with ":luafile %". 

    -- Create a timer handle (implementation detail: uv_timer_t).
    local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
    local i = 0
    -- Waits 1000ms, then repeats every 750ms until timer:close().
    timer:start(1000, 750, function()
      print('timer invoked! i='..tostring(i))
      if i > 4 then
        timer:close()  -- Always close handles to avoid leaks.
      i = i + 1

Example: File-change detection                                    watch-file
    1. Save this code to a file.
    2. Execute it with ":luafile %".
    3. Use ":Watch %" to watch any file.
    4. Try editing the file from another text editor.
    5. Observe that the file reloads in Nvim (because on_change() calls

    local w = vim.loop.new_fs_event()
    local function on_change(err, fname, status)
      -- Do work...
      -- Debounce: stop/start.
    function watch_file(fname)
      local fullpath = vim.api.nvim_call_function(
        'fnamemodify', {fname, ':p'})
      w:start(fullpath, {}, vim.schedule_wrap(function(...)
        on_change(...) end))
      "command! -nargs=1 Watch call luaeval('watch_file(_A)', expand('<args>'))")

Example: TCP echo-server                                          tcp-server
    1. Save this code to a file.
    2. Execute it with ":luafile %".
    3. Note the port number.
    4. Connect from any TCP client (e.g. "nc 36795"): 

    local function create_server(host, port, on_connect)
      local server = vim.loop.new_tcp()
      server:bind(host, port)
      server:listen(128, function(err)
        assert(not err, err)  -- Check for errors.
        local sock = vim.loop.new_tcp()
        server:accept(sock)  -- Accept client connection.
        on_connect(sock)  -- Start reading messages.
      return server
    local server = create_server('', 0, function(sock)
      sock:read_start(function(err, chunk)
        assert(not err, err)  -- Check for errors.
        if chunk then
          sock:write(chunk)  -- Echo received messages to the channel.
        else  -- EOF (stream closed).
          sock:close()  -- Always close handles to avoid leaks.
    print('TCP echo-server listening on port: '..server:getsockname().port)

Multithreading                                            lua-loop-threading

Plugins can perform work in separate (os-level) threads using the threading
APIs in luv, for instance vim.loop.new_thread. Note that every thread
gets its own separate lua interpreter state, with no access to lua globals
in the main thread. Neither can the state of the editor (buffers, windows,
etc) be directly accessed from threads.

A subset of the vim.* API is available in threads. This includes:

- vim.loop with a separate event loop per thread.
- vim.mpack and vim.json (useful for serializing messages between threads)
- require in threads can use lua packages from the global package.path
- print() and vim.inspect
- vim.diff
- most utility functions in vim.* for working with pure lua values
  like vim.split, vim.tbl_*, vim.list_*, and so on.
- vim.is_thread() returns true from a non-main thread.

VIM.HIGHLIGHT                                                  lua-highlight

Nvim includes a function for highlighting a selection on yank (see for example
https://github.com/machakann/vim-highlightedyank). To enable it, add

    au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank()

to your init.vim. You can customize the highlight group and the duration of
the highlight via

    au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank {higroup="IncSearch", timeout=150}

If you want to exclude visual selections from highlighting on yank, use

    au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank {on_visual=false}

vim.highlight.on_yank({opts})                        vim.highlight.on_yank()
    Highlights the yanked text. The fields of the optional dict {opts}
    control the highlight:
      - {higroup} highlight group for yanked region (default hl-IncSearch)
      - {timeout} time in ms before highlight is cleared (default 150)
      - {on_macro} highlight when executing macro (default false)
      - {on_visual} highlight when yanking visual selection (default true)
      - {event} event structure (default v:event)

vim.highlight.range({bufnr}, {ns}, {hlgroup}, {start}, {finish}, {opts})

    Apply highlight group to range of text.

            Parameters: {bufnr}   buffer number
              • {ns}      namespace for highlights
              • {hlgroup} highlight group name
              • {start}   starting position (tuple {line,col})
              • {finish}  finish position (tuple {line,col})
              • {opts}    optional parameters:
                          • regtype: type of range (characterwise, linewise,
                            or blockwise, see setreg()), default 'v'inclusive: range includes end position,
                            default falsepriority: priority of highlight, default
                            vim.highlight.user (see below)

vim.highlight.priorities                            vim.highlight.priorities

    Table with default priorities used for highlighting:
        • syntax: 50, used for standard syntax highlighting
        • treesitter: 100, used for tree-sitter-based highlighting
        • semantic_tokens: 125, used for LSP semantic token highlighting
        • diagnostics: 150, used for code analysis such as diagnostics
        • user: 200, used for user-triggered highlights such as LSP document
          symbols or on_yank autocommands

VIM.REGEX                                                          lua-regex

Vim regexes can be used directly from lua. Currently they only allow
matching within a single line.

vim.regex({re})                                                  vim.regex()
    Parse the Vim regex {re} and return a regex object. Regexes are "magic"
    and case-sensitive by default, regardless of 'magic' and 'ignorecase'.
    They can be controlled with flags, see /magic and /ignorecase.

Methods on the regex object:

regex:match_str({str})                                     regex:match_str()
    Match the string against the regex. If the string should match the regex
    precisely, surround the regex with ^ and $. If the was a match, the
    byte indices for the beginning and end of the match is returned. When
    there is no match, nil is returned. As any integer is truth-y,
    regex:match() can be directly used as a condition in an if-statement.

regex:match_line({bufnr}, {line_idx} [, {start}, {end}])  regex:match_line()
    Match line {line_idx} (zero-based) in buffer {bufnr}. If {start} and {end}
    are supplied, match only this byte index range. Otherwise see
    regex:match_str(). If {start} is used, then the returned byte indices
    will be relative {start}.

VIM.DIFF                                                            lua-diff

vim.diff({a}, {b}, {opts})                                        vim.diff()
    Run diff on strings {a} and {b}. Any indices returned by this function,
    either directly or via callback arguments, are 1-based.

        vim.diff('a\n', 'b\nc\n')
        -- =>
        -- @@ -1 +1,2 @@
        -- -a
        -- +b
        -- +c

        vim.diff('a\n', 'b\nc\n', {result_type = 'indices'})
        -- =>
        -- {
        --   {1, 1, 1, 2}
        -- }

    Parameters: {a}      First string to compare
      • {b}      Second string to compare
      • {opts}   Optional parameters:
                 • on_hunk (callback):
                   Invoked for each hunk in the diff. Return a negative number
                   to cancel the callback for any remaining hunks.
                   • start_a (integer): Start line of hunk in {a}.
                   • count_a (integer): Hunk size in {a}.
                   • start_b (integer): Start line of hunk in {b}.
                   • count_b (integer): Hunk size in {b}.
                 • result_type (string): Form of the returned diff:
                   • "unified": (default) String in unified format.
                   • "indices": Array of hunk locations.
                   Note: This option is ignored if on_hunk is used.
                 • linematch (boolean|integer): Run linematch on the resulting hunks
                   from xdiff. When integer, only hunks upto this size in
                   lines are run through linematch. Requires `result_type = indices`,
                   ignored otherwise.
                 • algorithm (string):
                   Diff algorithm to use. Values:
                   • "myers"      the default algorithm
                   • "minimal"    spend extra time to generate the
                                  smallest possible diff
                   • "patience"   patience diff algorithm
                   • "histogram"  histogram diff algorithm
                 • ctxlen (integer): Context length
                 • interhunkctxlen (integer):
                   Inter hunk context length
                 • ignore_whitespace (boolean):
                   Ignore whitespaceignore_whitespace_change (boolean):
                   Ignore whitespace change
                 • ignore_whitespace_change_at_eol (boolean)
                   Ignore whitespace change at end-of-line.
                 • ignore_cr_at_eol (boolean)
                   Ignore carriage return at end-of-line
                 • ignore_blank_lines (boolean)
                   Ignore blank lines
                 • indent_heuristic (boolean):
                   Use the indent heuristic for the internal
                   diff library.

        See {opts.result_type}. nil if {opts.on_hunk} is given.

VIM.MPACK                                                          lua-mpack

The vim.mpack module provides encoding and decoding of Lua objects to and
from msgpack-encoded strings. Supports vim.NIL and vim.empty_dict().

vim.mpack.encode({obj})                                     vim.mpack.encode
    Encodes (or "packs") Lua object {obj} as msgpack in a Lua string.

vim.mpack.decode({str})                                     vim.mpack.decode
    Decodes (or "unpacks") the msgpack-encoded {str} to a Lua object.

VIM.JSON                                                            lua-json

The vim.json module provides encoding and decoding of Lua objects to and
from JSON-encoded strings. Supports vim.NIL and vim.empty_dict().

vim.json.encode({obj})                                       vim.json.encode
    Encodes (or "packs") Lua object {obj} as JSON in a Lua string.

vim.json.decode({str}[, {opts}])                             vim.json.decode
    Decodes (or "unpacks") the JSON-encoded {str} to a Lua object.

    {opts} is a table with the key `luanil = { object: bool, array: bool }`
    that controls whether null in JSON objects or arrays should be converted
    to Lua nil instead of vim.NIL.

VIM.SPELL                                                          lua-spell

vim.spell.check({str})                                     vim.spell.check()
    Check {str} for spelling errors. Similar to the Vimscript function

    Note: The behaviour of this function is dependent on: 'spelllang',
    'spellfile', 'spellcapcheck' and 'spelloptions' which can all be local to
    the buffer. Consider calling this with nvim_buf_call().

        vim.spell.check("the quik brown fox")
        -- =>
        -- {
        --     {'quik', 'bad', 5}
        -- }

    Parameters: {str}    String to spell check.

      List of tuples with three items:
        - The badly spelled word.
        - The type of the spelling error:
            "bad"   spelling mistake
            "rare"  rare word
            "local" word only valid in another region
            "caps"  word should start with Capital
        - The position in {str} where the word begins.

VIM                                                              lua-builtin

vim.api.{func}({...})                                                vim.api
    Invokes Nvim API function {func} with arguments {...}.
    Example: call the "nvim_get_current_line()" API function: 

vim.in_fast_event()                                      vim.in_fast_event()
    Returns true if the code is executing as part of a "fast" event handler,
    where most of the API is disabled. These are low-level events (e.g.
    lua-loop-callbacks) which can be invoked whenever Nvim polls for input.
    When this is false most API functions are callable (but may be subject
    to other restrictions such as textlock).

vim.NIL                                                              vim.NIL
    Special value representing NIL in RPC and v:null in Vimscript
    conversion, and similar cases. Lua nil cannot be used as part of a Lua
    table representing a Dictionary or Array, because it is treated as
    missing: `{"foo", nil}` is the same as {"foo"}.

vim.empty_dict()                                            vim.empty_dict()
    Creates a special empty table (marked with a metatable), which Nvim to an
    empty dictionary when translating Lua values to Vimscript or API types.
    Nvim by default converts an empty table {} without this metatable to an

    Note: If numeric keys are present in the table, Nvim ignores the metatable
    marker and converts the dict to a list/array anyway.

vim.rpcnotify({channel}, {method} [, {args}...])             vim.rpcnotify()
    Sends {event} to {channel} via RPC and returns immediately. If {channel}
    is 0, the event is broadcast to all channels.

    This function also works in a fast callback lua-loop-callbacks.

vim.rpcrequest({channel}, {method} [, {args}...])           vim.rpcrequest()
    Sends a request to {channel} to invoke {method} via RPC and blocks until
    a response is received.

    Note: NIL values as part of the return value is represented as vim.NIL
    special value

vim.stricmp({a}, {b})                                          vim.stricmp()
    Compares strings case-insensitively. Returns 0, 1 or -1 if strings are
    equal, {a} is greater than {b} or {a} is lesser than {b}, respectively.

vim.str_utfindex({str} [, {index}])                       vim.str_utfindex()
    Convert byte index to UTF-32 and UTF-16 indices. If {index} is not
    supplied, the length of the string is used. All indices are zero-based.
    Returns two values: the UTF-32 and UTF-16 indices respectively.

    Embedded NUL bytes are treated as terminating the string. Invalid UTF-8
    bytes, and embedded surrogates are counted as one code point each. An
    {index} in the middle of a UTF-8 sequence is rounded upwards to the end of
    that sequence.

vim.str_byteindex({str}, {index} [, {use_utf16}])        vim.str_byteindex()
    Convert UTF-32 or UTF-16 {index} to byte index. If {use_utf16} is not
    supplied, it defaults to false (use UTF-32). Returns the byte index.

    Invalid UTF-8 and NUL is treated like by vim.str_byteindex().
    An {index} in the middle of a UTF-16 sequence is rounded upwards to
    the end of that sequence.

vim.iconv({str}, {from}, {to}[, {opts}])                        vim.iconv()
        The result is a String, which is the text {str} converted from
        encoding {from} to encoding {to}. When the conversion fails nil is
        returned.  When some characters could not be converted they
        are replaced with "?".
        The encoding names are whatever the iconv() library function
        can accept, see ":Man 3 iconv".

        Parameters: {str}   (string) Text to convert
          • {from}  (string) Encoding of {str}{to}    (string) Target encoding

            Converted string if conversion succeeds, nil otherwise.

vim.schedule({callback})                                      vim.schedule()
    Schedules {callback} to be invoked soon by the main event-loop. Useful
    to avoid textlock or other temporary restrictions.

vim.defer_fn({fn}, {timeout})                                   vim.defer_fn
    Defers calling {fn} until {timeout} ms passes. Use to do a one-shot timer
    that calls {fn}.

    Note: The {fn} is vim.schedule_wrap()ped automatically, so API functions are
    safe to call.

    Parameters: {fn}        Callback to call once {timeout} expires
      • {timeout}   Time in ms to wait before calling {fn}

        vim.loop.new_timer() object

vim.wait({time} [, {callback}, {interval}, {fast_only}])          vim.wait()
    Wait for {time} in milliseconds until {callback} returns true.

    Executes {callback} immediately and at approximately {interval}
    milliseconds (default 200). Nvim still processes other events during
    this time.

    Parameters: {time}      Number of milliseconds to wait
      • {callback}  Optional callback. Waits until {callback} returns true
      • {interval}  (Approximate) number of milliseconds to wait between polls
      • {fast_only} If true, only api-fast events will be processed.
                        If called from while in an api-fast event, will
                        automatically be set to true.

        If {callback} returns true during the {time}:
            `true, nil`

        If {callback} never returns true during the {time}:
            `false, -1`

        If {callback} is interrupted during the {time}:
            `false, -2`

        If {callback} errors, the error is raised.


    -- Wait for 100 ms, allowing other events to process
    vim.wait(100, function() end)

    -- Wait for 100 ms or until global variable set.
    vim.wait(100, function() return vim.g.waiting_for_var end)

    -- Wait for 1 second or until global variable set, checking every ~500 ms
    vim.wait(1000, function() return vim.g.waiting_for_var end, 500)

    -- Schedule a function to set a value in 100ms
    vim.defer_fn(function() vim.g.timer_result = true end, 100)

    -- Would wait ten seconds if results blocked. Actually only waits  100 ms
    if vim.wait(10000, function() return vim.g.timer_result end) then
      print('Only waiting a little bit of time!')

vim.ui_attach({ns}, {options}, {callback})                vim.ui_attach()
    Attach to ui events, similar to nvim_ui_attach() but receive events
    as lua callback. Can be used to implement screen elements like
    popupmenu or message handling in lua.

    {options} should be a dictionary-like table, where ext_... options should
    be set to true to receive events for the respective external element.

    {callback} receives event name plus additional parameters. See ui-popupmenu
    and the sections below for event format for respective events.

    WARNING: This api is considered experimental.  Usability will vary for
    different screen elements. In particular ext_messages behavior is subject
    to further changes and usability improvements.  This is expected to be
    used to handle messages when setting 'cmdheight' to zero (which is
    likewise experimental).

    Example (stub for a ui-popupmenu implementation): 

      ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('my_fancy_pum')

      vim.ui_attach(ns, {ext_popupmenu=true}, function(event, ...)
        if event == "popupmenu_show" then
          local items, selected, row, col, grid = ...
          print("display pum ", #items)
        elseif event == "popupmenu_select" then
          local selected = ...
          print("selected", selected)
        elseif event == "popupmenu_hide" then

vim.ui_detach({ns})                                           vim.ui_detach()
    Detach a callback previously attached with vim.ui_attach() for the
    given namespace {ns}.

vim.type_idx                                                    vim.type_idx
    Type index for use in lua-special-tbl. Specifying one of the values from
    vim.types allows typing the empty table (it is unclear whether empty Lua
    table represents empty list or empty array) and forcing integral numbers
    to be Float. See lua-special-tbl for more details.

vim.val_idx                                                      vim.val_idx
    Value index for tables representing Floats. A table representing
    floating-point value 1.0 looks like this: 
          [vim.type_idx] = vim.types.float,
          [vim.val_idx] = 1.0,
    See also vim.type_idx and lua-special-tbl.

vim.types                                                          vim.types
    Table with possible values for vim.type_idx. Contains two sets of
    key-value pairs: first maps possible values for vim.type_idx to
    human-readable strings, second maps human-readable type names to values
    for vim.type_idx. Currently contains pairs for float, array and
        dictionary types.

    Note: One must expect that values corresponding to vim.types.float,
    vim.types.array and vim.types.dictionary fall under only two following
    1. Value may serve both as a key and as a value in a table. Given the
       properties of Lua tables this basically means “value is not nil.
    2. For each value in vim.types table vim.types[vim.types[value]] is the
       same as value.
    No other restrictions are put on types, and it is not guaranteed that
    values corresponding to vim.types.float, vim.types.array and
    vim.types.dictionary will not change or that vim.types table will only
    contain values for these three types.

                                                   log_levels vim.log.levels
Log levels are one of the values defined in vim.log.levels:


LUA-VIMSCRIPT BRIDGE                                           lua-vimscript

Nvim Lua provides an interface to Vimscript variables and functions, and
editor commands and options.

See also https://github.com/nanotee/nvim-lua-guide.

vim.call({func}, {...})                                           vim.call()
    Invokes vim-function or user-function {func} with arguments {...}.
    See also vim.fn.
    Equivalent to: 

    See vim.cmd().

vim.fn.{func}({...})                                                  vim.fn
    Invokes vim-function or user-function {func} with arguments {...}.
    To call autoload functions, use the syntax: 

    Unlike vim.api.nvim_call_function() this converts directly between Vim
    objects and Lua objects. If the Vim function returns a float, it will be
    represented directly as a Lua number. Empty lists and dictionaries both
    are represented by an empty table.

    Note: v:null values as part of the return value is represented as
    vim.NIL special value

    Note: vim.fn keys are generated lazily, thus pairs(vim.fn) only
    enumerates functions that were called at least once.

    Note: The majority of functions cannot run in api-fast callbacks with some
    undocumented exceptions which are allowed.

The Vim editor global dictionaries g: w: b: t: v: can be accessed
from Lua conveniently and idiomatically by referencing the vim.* Lua tables
described below. In this way you can easily read and modify global Vimscript
variables from Lua.


    vim.g.foo = 5     -- Set the g:foo Vimscript variable.
    print(vim.g.foo)  -- Get and print the g:foo Vimscript variable.
    vim.g.foo = nil   -- Delete (:unlet) the Vimscript variable.
    vim.b[2].foo = 6  -- Set b:foo for buffer 2

Note that setting dictionary fields directly will not write them back into
Nvim. This is because the index into the namespace simply returns a copy.
Instead the whole dictionary must be written as one. This can be achieved by
creating a short-lived temporary.


    vim.g.my_dict.field1 = 'value'  -- Does not work

    local my_dict = vim.g.my_dict   --
    my_dict.field1 = 'value'        -- Instead do
    vim.g.my_dict = my_dict         --

vim.g                                                                  vim.g
    Global (g:) editor variables.
    Key with no value returns nil.

vim.b                                                                  vim.b
    Buffer-scoped (b:) variables for the current buffer.
    Invalid or unset key returns nil. Can be indexed with
    an integer to access variables for a specific buffer.

vim.w                                                                  vim.w
    Window-scoped (w:) variables for the current window.
    Invalid or unset key returns nil. Can be indexed with
    an integer to access variables for a specific window.

vim.t                                                                  vim.t
    Tabpage-scoped (t:) variables for the current tabpage.
    Invalid or unset key returns nil. Can be indexed with
    an integer to access variables for a specific tabpage.

vim.v                                                                  vim.v
    v: variables.
    Invalid or unset key returns nil.

vim.env                                                              vim.env
    Environment variables defined in the editor session.
    See expand-env and :let-environment for the Vimscript behavior.
    Invalid or unset key returns nil.
        vim.env.FOO = 'bar'


Vim options can be accessed through vim.o, which behaves like Vimscript


    To set a boolean toggle:
        Vimscript: `set number`
        Lua:       `vim.o.number = true`

    To set a string value:
        Vimscript: `set wildignore=*.o,*.a,__pycache__`
        Lua:       `vim.o.wildignore = '*.o,*.a,__pycache__'`

Similarly, there is vim.bo and vim.wo for setting buffer-scoped and
window-scoped options. Note that this must NOT be confused with
local-options and :setlocal. There is also vim.go that only accesses the
global value of a global-local option, see :setglobal.

vim.o                                                                  vim.o
    Get or set options. Like :set. Invalid key is an error.

    Note: this works on both buffer-scoped and window-scoped options using the
    current buffer and window.

        vim.o.cmdheight = 4
        print(vim.o.foo)     -- error: invalid key

vim.go                                                                vim.go
    Get or set global options. Like :setglobal. Invalid key is
    an error.

    Note: this is different from vim.o because this accesses the global
    option value and thus is mostly useful for use with global-local

        vim.go.cmdheight = 4
        print(vim.go.bar)     -- error: invalid key

vim.bo[{bufnr}]                                                                vim.bo
    Get or set buffer-scoped options for the buffer with number {bufnr}.
    Like :set and :setlocal. If [{bufnr}] is omitted then the current
    buffer is used. Invalid {bufnr} or key is an error.

    Note: this is equivalent to both :set and :setlocal.

        local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
        vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted = true    -- same as vim.bo.buflisted = true
        print(vim.bo.baz)                 -- error: invalid key

vim.wo[{winid}]                                                                vim.wo
    Get or set window-scoped options for the window with handle {winid}.
    Like :set. If [{winid}] is omitted then the current window is used.
    Invalid {winid} or key is an error.

    Note: this does not access local-options (`:setlocal`) instead use: 
        nvim_get_option_value(OPTION, { scope = 'local', win = winid })
        nvim_set_option_value(OPTION, VALUE, { scope = 'local', win = winid }

        local winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
        vim.wo[winid].number = true    -- same as vim.wo.number = true
        print(vim.wo.quux)             -- error: invalid key


A special interface vim.opt exists for conveniently interacting with list-
and map-style option from Lua: It allows accessing them as Lua tables and
offers object-oriented method for adding and removing entries.


    The following methods of setting a list-style option are equivalent:
        In Vimscript: 
            set wildignore=*.o,*.a,__pycache__

        In Lua using vim.o: 
            vim.o.wildignore = '*.o,*.a,__pycache__'

        In Lua using vim.opt: 
            vim.opt.wildignore = { '*.o', '*.a', '__pycache__' }

    To replicate the behavior of :set+=, use: 

        vim.opt.wildignore:append { "*.pyc", "node_modules" }

    To replicate the behavior of :set^=, use: 

        vim.opt.wildignore:prepend { "new_first_value" }

    To replicate the behavior of :set-=, use: 

        vim.opt.wildignore:remove { "node_modules" }

    The following methods of setting a map-style option are equivalent:
        In Vimscript: 
            set listchars=space:_,tab:>~

        In Lua using vim.o: 
            vim.o.listchars = 'space:_,tab:>~'

        In Lua using vim.opt: 
            vim.opt.listchars = { space = '_', tab = '>~' }

Note that vim.opt returns an Option object, not the value of the option,
which is accessed through vim.opt:get():


    The following methods of getting a list-style option are equivalent:
        In Vimscript: 
            echo wildignore

        In Lua using vim.o: 

        In Lua using vim.opt: 

In any of the above examples, to replicate the behavior :setlocal, use
vim.opt_local. Additionally, to replicate the behavior of :setglobal, use


    Returns a lua-representation of the option. Boolean, number and string
    values will be returned in exactly the same fashion.

    For values that are comma-separated lists, an array will be returned with
    the values as entries in the array: 
        vim.cmd [[set wildignore=*.pyc,*.o]]

        -- { "*.pyc", "*.o", }

        for _, ignore_pattern in ipairs(vim.opt.wildignore:get()) do
            print("Will ignore:", ignore_pattern)
        -- Will ignore: *.pyc
        -- Will ignore: *.o

    For values that are comma-separated maps, a table will be returned with
    the names as keys and the values as entries: 
        vim.cmd [[set listchars=space:_,tab:>~]]

        --  { space = "_", tab = ">~", }

        for char, representation in pairs(vim.opt.listchars:get()) do
            print(char, "=>", representation)

    For values that are lists of flags, a set will be returned with the flags
    as keys and true as entries. 
        vim.cmd [[set formatoptions=njtcroql]]

        -- { n = true, j = true, c = true, ... }

        local format_opts = vim.opt.formatoptions:get()
        if format_opts.j then
            print("J is enabled!")


    Append a value to string-style options. See :set+=

    These are equivalent: 
        vim.opt.formatoptions = vim.opt.formatoptions + 'j'


    Prepend a value to string-style options. See :set^=

    These are equivalent: 
        vim.opt.wildignore = vim.opt.wildignore ^ '*.o'


    Remove a value from string-style options. See :set-=

    These are equivalent: 
        vim.opt.wildignore = vim.opt.wildignore - '*.pyc'

Lua module: vim                                                      lua-vim

cmd({command})                                                     vim.cmd()
    Execute Vim script commands.

    Note that vim.cmd can be indexed with a command name to return a
    callable function to the command.


       vim.cmd('echo 42')
         augroup My_group
           autocmd FileType c setlocal cindent
         augroup END

       -- Ex command :echo "foo"
       -- Note string literals need to be double quoted.
       vim.cmd('echo "foo"')
       vim.cmd { cmd = 'echo', args = { '"foo"' } }
       vim.cmd.echo({ args = { '"foo"' } })

       -- Ex command :write! myfile.txt
       vim.cmd('write! myfile.txt')
       vim.cmd { cmd = 'write', args = { "myfile.txt" }, bang = true }
       vim.cmd.write { args = { "myfile.txt" }, bang = true }
       vim.cmd.write { "myfile.txt", bang = true }

       -- Ex command :colorscheme blue
       vim.cmd('colorscheme blue')

    Parameters: {command}  string|table Command(s) to execute. If a string, executes
                   multiple lines of Vim script at once. In this case, it is
                   an alias to nvim_exec2(), where opts.output is set to
                   false. Thus it works identical to :source. If a table,
                   executes a single command. In this case, it is an alias to
                   nvim_cmd() where opts is empty.

    See also: ex-cmd-index

    TODO: Documentation

defer_fn({fn}, {timeout})                                     vim.defer_fn()
    Defers calling fn until timeout ms passes.

    Use to do a one-shot timer that calls fn Note: The {fn} is vim.schedule_wrap()ped automatically, so API functions
    are safe to call.

    Parameters: {fn}       (function) Callback to call once timeout expires
      • {timeout}  (integer) Number of milliseconds to wait before calling

        (table) timer luv timer object

deprecate({name}, {alternative}, {version}, {plugin}, {backtrace})
    Shows a deprecation message to the user.

    Parameters: {name}         string Deprecated feature (function, API, etc.).
      • {alternative}  (string|nil) Suggested alternative feature.
      • {version}      string Version when the deprecated function will be removed.
      • {plugin}       string|nil Name of the plugin that owns the deprecated
                       feature. Defaults to "Nvim".{backtrace}    boolean|nil Prints backtrace. Defaults to true.

        Deprecated message, or nil if no message was shown.

inspect({object}, {options})                                   vim.inspect()
    Gets a human-readable representation of the given object.

    See also: https://github.com/kikito/inspect.luahttps://github.com/mpeterv/vinspect

lua_omnifunc({find_start}, {_})                           vim.lua_omnifunc()
    Omnifunc for completing lua values from from the runtime lua interpreter,
    similar to the builtin completion for the :lua command.

    Activate using `set omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lua_omnifunc` in a lua buffer.

notify({msg}, {level}, {opts})                                  vim.notify()
    Display a notification to the user.

    This function can be overridden by plugins to display notifications using
    a custom provider (such as the system notification provider). By default,
    writes to :messages.

    Parameters: {msg}    (string) Content of the notification to show to the user.
      • {level}  (integer|nil) One of the values from vim.log.levels.{opts}   (table|nil) Optional parameters. Unused by default.

notify_once({msg}, {level}, {opts})                        vim.notify_once()
    Display a notification only one time.

    Like vim.notify(), but subsequent calls with the same message will not
    display a notification.

    Parameters: {msg}    (string) Content of the notification to show to the user.
      • {level}  (integer|nil) One of the values from vim.log.levels.{opts}   (table|nil) Optional parameters. Unused by default.

        (boolean) true if message was displayed, else false

on_key({fn}, {ns_id})                                           vim.on_key()
    Adds Lua function {fn} with namespace id {ns_id} as a listener to every,
    yes every, input key.

    The Nvim command-line option -w is related but does not support
    callbacks and cannot be toggled dynamically.

        {fn} will not be cleared by nvim_buf_clear_namespace()

        {fn} will receive the keys after mappings have been evaluated

    Parameters: {fn}     (function) Callback function. It should take one string
                 argument. On each key press, Nvim passes the key char to
                 fn(). i_CTRL-V If {fn} is nil, it removes the callback for
                 the associated {ns_id}{ns_id}  integer? Namespace ID. If nil or 0, generates and returns a
                 new nvim_create_namespace() id.

        (integer) Namespace id associated with {fn}. Or count of all callbacks
        if on_key() is called without arguments.

        {fn} will be removed if an error occurs while calling.

paste({lines}, {phase})                                          vim.paste()
    Paste handler, invoked by nvim_paste() when a conforming UI (such as the
    TUI) pastes text into the editor.

    Example: To remove ANSI color codes when pasting: 

     vim.paste = (function(overridden)
       return function(lines, phase)
         for i,line in ipairs(lines) do
           -- Scrub ANSI color codes from paste input.
           lines[i] = line:gsub('\27%[[0-9;mK]+', '')
         overridden(lines, phase)

    Parameters: {lines}  string[] # readfile()-style list of lines to paste.
                 channel-lines{phase}  paste_phase -1: "non-streaming" paste: the call contains all
                 lines. If paste is "streamed", phase indicates the stream state:
                 • 1: starts the paste (exactly once)
                 • 2: continues the paste (zero or more times)
                 • 3: ends the paste (exactly once)

        (boolean) # false if client should cancel the paste.

    See also: paste @alias paste_phase -1 | 1 | 2 | 3

print({...})                                                     vim.print()
    "Pretty prints" the given arguments and returns them unmodified.

      local hl_normal = vim.print(vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name('Normal', true))

        any # given arguments.

    See also: vim.inspect()

region({bufnr}, {pos1}, {pos2}, {regtype}, {inclusive})         vim.region()
    Get a table of lines with start, end columns for a region marked by two
    points. Input and output positions are (0,0)-indexed and indicate byte

    Parameters: {bufnr}      (integer) number of buffer
      • {pos1}       integer[] (line, column) tuple marking beginning of
      • {pos2}       integer[] (line, column) tuple marking end of region
      • {regtype}    (string) type of selection, see setreg(){inclusive}  (boolean) indicating whether column of pos2 is inclusive

        (table) region Table of the form `{linenr = {startcol,endcol}}`.
        endcol is exclusive, and whole lines are marked with
        `{startcol,endcol} = {0,-1}`.

schedule_wrap({cb})                                      vim.schedule_wrap()
    Defers callback cb until the Nvim API is safe to call.

    Parameters: {cb}  (function)


    See also: lua-loop-callbacksvim.schedule()vim.in_fast_event()

Lua module: inspector                                          lua-inspector

inspect_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col}, {filter})               vim.inspect_pos()
    Get all the items at a given buffer position.

    Can also be pretty-printed with :Inspect!.                   :Inspect!

    Parameters: {bufnr}   (integer|nil) defaults to the current buffer
      • {row}     (integer|nil) row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row
                  of the current cursor
      • {col}     (integer|nil) col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col
                  of the current cursor
      • {filter}  (table|nil) a table with key-value pairs to filter the items
                  • syntax (boolean): include syntax based highlight groups
                    (defaults to true)
                  • treesitter (boolean): include treesitter based highlight
                    groups (defaults to true)
                  • extmarks (boolean|"all"): include extmarks. When all,
                    then extmarks without a hl_group will also be included
                    (defaults to true)
                  • semantic_tokens (boolean): include semantic tokens
                    (defaults to true)

        (table) a table with the following key-value pairs. Items are in
        "traversal order":
        • treesitter: a list of treesitter captures
        • syntax: a list of syntax groups
        • semantic_tokens: a list of semantic tokens
        • extmarks: a list of extmarks
        • buffer: the buffer used to get the items
        • row: the row used to get the items
        • col: the col used to get the items

show_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col}, {filter})                     vim.show_pos()
    Show all the items at a given buffer position.

    Can also be shown with :Inspect.                              :Inspect

    Parameters: {bufnr}   (integer|nil) defaults to the current buffer
      • {row}     (integer|nil) row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row
                  of the current cursor
      • {col}     (integer|nil) col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col
                  of the current cursor
      • {filter}  (table|nil) see vim.inspect_pos()

deep_equal({a}, {b})                                        vim.deep_equal()
    Deep compare values for equality

    Tables are compared recursively unless they both provide the eq metamethod. All other types are compared using the equality == operator.

    Parameters: {a}  any First value
      • {b}  any Second value

        (boolean) true if values are equals, else false

deepcopy({orig})                                              vim.deepcopy()
    Returns a deep copy of the given object. Non-table objects are copied as
    in a typical Lua assignment, whereas table objects are copied recursively.
    Functions are naively copied, so functions in the copied table point to
    the same functions as those in the input table. Userdata and threads are
    not copied and will throw an error.

    Parameters: {orig}  (table) Table to copy

        (table) Table of copied keys and (nested) values.

defaulttable({create})                                    vim.defaulttable()
    Creates a table whose members are automatically created when accessed, if
    they don't already exist.

    They mimic defaultdict in python.

    If {create} is nil, this will create a defaulttable whose constructor
    function is this function, effectively allowing to create nested tables on
    the fly:


     local a = vim.defaulttable()
     a.b.c = 1

    Parameters: {create}  function?(key:any):any The function called to create a
                  missing value.

        (table) Empty table with metamethod

endswith({s}, {suffix})                                       vim.endswith()
    Tests if s ends with suffix.

    Parameters: {s}       (string) String{suffix}  (string) Suffix to match

        (boolean) true if suffix is a suffix of s

gsplit({s}, {sep}, {opts})                                      vim.gsplit()
    Splits a string at each instance of a separator.


       for s in vim.gsplit(':aa::b:', ':', {plain=true}) do

    If you want to also inspect the separator itself (instead of discarding
    it), use string.gmatch(). Example: 

       for word, num in ('foo111bar222'):gmatch('([^0-9]*)(d*)') do
         print(('word: s num: s'):format(word, num))

    Parameters: {s}     string String to split
      • {sep}   string Separator or pattern{opts}  (table|nil) Keyword arguments kwargs:
                • plain: (boolean) Use sep literally (as in string.find).
                • trimempty: (boolean) Discard empty segments at start and end
                  of the sequence.

        (function) Iterator over the split components

    See also: string.gmatch()vim.split()luaref-patternshttps://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.htmlhttp://lua-users.org/wiki/StringLibraryTutorial

is_callable({f})                                           vim.is_callable()
    Returns true if object f can be called as a function.

    Parameters: {f}  any Any object

        (boolean) true if f is callable, else false

list_extend({dst}, {src}, {start}, {finish})               vim.list_extend()
    Extends a list-like table with the values of another list-like table.

    NOTE: This mutates dst!

    Parameters: {dst}     (table) List which will be modified and appended to
      • {src}     (table) List from which values will be inserted
      • {start}   (integer|nil) Start index on src. Defaults to 1
      • {finish}  (integer|nil) Final index on src. Defaults to #src

        (table) dst

    See also: vim.tbl_extend()

list_slice({list}, {start}, {finish})                       vim.list_slice()
    Creates a copy of a table containing only elements from start to end

    Parameters: {list}    (list) Table
      • {start}   (integer|nil) Start range of slice{finish}  (integer|nil) End range of slice

        (list) Copy of table sliced from start to finish (inclusive)

pesc({s})                                                         vim.pesc()
    Escapes magic chars in lua-patterns.

    Parameters: {s}  (string) String to escape

        (string) %-escaped pattern string

    See also: https://github.com/rxi/lume

spairs({t})                                                     vim.spairs()
    Enumerate a table sorted by its keys.

    Parameters: {t}  (table) List-like table

        iterator over sorted keys and their values

    See also: 
      • Based on https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua

split({s}, {sep}, {opts})                                        vim.split()
    Splits a string at each instance of a separator.


      split(":aa::b:", ":")                   --> {'','aa','','b',''}
      split("axaby", "ab?")                   --> {'','x','y'}
      split("x*yz*o", "*", {plain=true})      --> {'x','yz','o'}
      split("|x|y|z|", "|", {trimempty=true}) --> {'x', 'y', 'z'}

    Parameters: {s}     (string) String to split
      • {sep}   (string) Separator or pattern{opts}  (table|nil) Keyword arguments kwargs accepted by

        string[] List of split components

    See also: vim.gsplit()string.gmatch()

startswith({s}, {prefix})                                   vim.startswith()
    Tests if s starts with prefix.

    Parameters: {s}       (string) String{prefix}  (string) Prefix to match

        (boolean) true if prefix is a prefix of s

tbl_add_reverse_lookup({o})                     vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup()
    Add the reverse lookup values to an existing table. For example:
    `tbl_add_reverse_lookup { A = 1 } == { [1] = 'A', A = 1 }`

    Note that this modifies the input.

    Parameters: {o}  (table) Table to add the reverse to

        (table) o

tbl_contains({t}, {value})                                vim.tbl_contains()
    Checks if a list-like (vector) table contains value.

    Parameters: {t}      (table) Table to check
      • {value}  any Value to compare

        (boolean) true if t contains value

tbl_count({t})                                               vim.tbl_count()
    Counts the number of non-nil values in table t.


     vim.tbl_count({ a=1, b=2 })  --> 2
     vim.tbl_count({ 1, 2 })      --> 2

    Parameters: {t}  (table) Table

        (integer) Number of non-nil values in table

    See also: https://github.com/Tieske/Penlight/blob/master/lua/pl/tablex.lua

tbl_deep_extend({behavior}, {...})                     vim.tbl_deep_extend()
    Merges recursively two or more map-like tables.

    Parameters: {behavior}  (string) Decides what to do if a key is found in more than
                    one map:
                    • "error": raise an error
                    • "keep": use value from the leftmost map
                    • "force": use value from the rightmost map
      • {...}       (table) Two or more map-like tables

        (table) Merged table

    See also: vim.tbl_extend()

tbl_extend({behavior}, {...})                               vim.tbl_extend()
    Merges two or more map-like tables.

    Parameters: {behavior}  (string) Decides what to do if a key is found in more than
                    one map:
                    • "error": raise an error
                    • "keep": use value from the leftmost map
                    • "force": use value from the rightmost map
      • {...}       (table) Two or more map-like tables

        (table) Merged table

    See also: extend()

tbl_filter({func}, {t})                                     vim.tbl_filter()
    Filter a table using a predicate function

    Parameters: {func}  (function) Function
      • {t}     (table) Table

        (table) Table of filtered values

tbl_flatten({t})                                           vim.tbl_flatten()
    Creates a copy of a list-like table such that any nested tables are
    "unrolled" and appended to the result.

    Parameters: {t}  (table) List-like table

        (table) Flattened copy of the given list-like table

    See also: 
      • From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua

tbl_get({o}, {...})                                            vim.tbl_get()
    Index into a table (first argument) via string keys passed as subsequent
    arguments. Return nil if the key does not exist.


      vim.tbl_get({ key = { nested_key = true }}, 'key', 'nested_key') == true
      vim.tbl_get({ key = {}}, 'key', 'nested_key') == nil

    Parameters: {o}    (table) Table to index{...}  (string) Optional strings (0 or more, variadic) via which to
               index the table

        any Nested value indexed by key (if it exists), else nil

tbl_isempty({t})                                           vim.tbl_isempty()
    Checks if a table is empty.

    Parameters: {t}  (table) Table to check

        (boolean) true if t is empty

    See also: https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua

tbl_islist({t})                                             vim.tbl_islist()
    Tests if a Lua table can be treated as an array.

    Empty table {} is assumed to be an array, unless it was created by
    vim.empty_dict() or returned as a dict-like API or Vimscript result,
    for example from rpcrequest() or vim.fn.

    Parameters: {t}  (table) Table

        (boolean) true if array-like table, else false

tbl_keys({t})                                                 vim.tbl_keys()
    Return a list of all keys used in a table. However, the order of the
    return table of keys is not guaranteed.

    Parameters: {t}  (table) Table

        (list) List of keys

    See also: 
      • From https://github.com/premake/premake-core/blob/master/src/base/table.lua

tbl_map({func}, {t})                                           vim.tbl_map()
    Apply a function to all values of a table.

    Parameters: {func}  (function) Function
      • {t}     (table) Table

        (table) Table of transformed values

tbl_values({t})                                             vim.tbl_values()
    Return a list of all values used in a table. However, the order of the
    return table of values is not guaranteed.

    Parameters: {t}  (table) Table

        (list) List of values

trim({s})                                                         vim.trim()
    Trim whitespace (Lua pattern "%s") from both sides of a string.

    Parameters: {s}  (string) String to trim

        (string) String with whitespace removed from its beginning and end

    See also: luaref-patternshttps://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html

validate({opt})                                               vim.validate()
    Validates a parameter specification (types and values).

    Usage example: 

      function user.new(name, age, hobbies)
          name={name, 'string'},
          age={age, 'number'},
          hobbies={hobbies, 'table'},

    Examples with explicit argument values (can be run directly): 

      vim.validate{arg1={{'foo'}, 'table'}, arg2={'foo', 'string'}}
         --> NOP (success)

      vim.validate{arg1={1, 'table'}}
         --> error('arg1: expected table, got number')

      vim.validate{arg1={3, function(a) return (a % 2) == 0 end, 'even number'}}
         --> error('arg1: expected even number, got 3')

    If multiple types are valid they can be given as a list. 

      vim.validate{arg1={{'foo'}, {'table', 'string'}}, arg2={'foo', {'table', 'string'}}}
         --> NOP (success)

      vim.validate{arg1={1, {'string', 'table'}}}
         --> error('arg1: expected string|table, got number')

    Parameters: {opt}  (table) Names of parameters to validate. Each key is a
               parameter name; each value is a tuple in one of these forms:
               1. (arg_value, type_name, optional)
                  • arg_value: argument value
                  • type_name: string|table type name, one of: ("table", "t",
                    "string", "s", "number", "n", "boolean", "b", "function",
                    "f", "nil", "thread", "userdata") or list of them.
                  • optional: (optional) boolean, if true, nil is valid

               2. (arg_value, fn, msg)
                  • arg_value: argument value
                  • fn: any function accepting one argument, returns true if
                    and only if the argument is valid. Can optionally return
                    an additional informative error message as the second
                    returned value.
                  • msg: (optional) error string if validation fails

Lua module: loader                                                lua-loader

disable()                                               vim.loader.disable()
    Disables the experimental Lua module loader:
    • removes the loaders
    • adds the default Neovim loader

enable()                                                 vim.loader.enable()
    Enables the experimental Lua module loader:
    • overrides loadfile
    • adds the lua loader using the byte-compilation cache
    • adds the libs loader
    • removes the default Neovim loader

find({modname}, {opts})                                    vim.loader.find()
    Finds lua modules for the given module name.

    Parameters: {modname}  (string) Module name, or "*" to find the top-level
                   modules instead
      • {opts}     (table|nil) Options for finding a module:
                   • rtp: (boolean) Search for modname in the runtime path
                     (defaults to true)
                   • paths: (string[]) Extra paths to search for modname
                     (defaults to {})
                   • patterns: (string[]) List of patterns to use when
                     searching for modules. A pattern is a string added to the
                     basename of the Lua module being searched. (defaults to
                     `{"/init.lua", ".lua"}`)
                   • all: (boolean) Return all matches instead of just the
                     first one (defaults to false)

        (list) A list of results with the following properties:
        • modpath: (string) the path to the module
        • modname: (string) the name of the module
        • stat: (table|nil) the fs_stat of the module path. Won't be returned
          for modname="*"

reset({path})                                             vim.loader.reset()
    Resets the cache for the path, or all the paths if path is nil.

    Parameters: {path}  string? path to reset

Lua module: uri                                                      lua-uri

uri_from_bufnr({bufnr})                                 vim.uri_from_bufnr()
    Get a URI from a bufnr

    Parameters: {bufnr}  (integer)

        (string) URI

uri_from_fname({path})                                  vim.uri_from_fname()
    Get a URI from a file path.

    Parameters: {path}  (string) Path to file

        (string) URI

uri_to_bufnr({uri})                                       vim.uri_to_bufnr()
    Get the buffer for a uri. Creates a new unloaded buffer if no buffer for
    the uri already exists.

    Parameters: {uri}  (string)

        (integer) bufnr

uri_to_fname({uri})                                       vim.uri_to_fname()
    Get a filename from a URI

    Parameters: {uri}  (string)

        (string) filename or unchanged URI for non-file URIs

Lua module: ui                                                        lua-ui

input({opts}, {on_confirm})                                   vim.ui.input()
    Prompts the user for input, allowing arbitrary (potentially asynchronous)
    work until on_confirm.


     vim.ui.input({ prompt = 'Enter value for shiftwidth: ' }, function(input)
         vim.o.shiftwidth = tonumber(input)

    Parameters: {opts}        (table) Additional options. See input()
                      • prompt (string|nil) Text of the prompt
                      • default (string|nil) Default reply to the input
                      • completion (string|nil) Specifies type of completion
                        supported for input. Supported types are the same that
                        can be supplied to a user-defined command using the
                        "-complete=" argument. See :command-completion
                      • highlight (function) Function that will be used for
                        highlighting user inputs.
      • {on_confirm}  (function) ((input|nil) -> ()) Called once the user
                      confirms or abort the input. input is what the user
                      typed (it might be an empty string if nothing was
                      entered), or nil if the user aborted the dialog.

select({items}, {opts}, {on_choice})                         vim.ui.select()
    Prompts the user to pick from a list of items, allowing arbitrary
    (potentially asynchronous) work until on_choice.


     vim.ui.select({ 'tabs', 'spaces' }, {
         prompt = 'Select tabs or spaces:',
         format_item = function(item)
             return "I'd like to choose " .. item
     }, function(choice)
         if choice == 'spaces' then
             vim.o.expandtab = true
             vim.o.expandtab = false

    Parameters: {items}      (table) Arbitrary items
      • {opts}       (table) Additional options
                     • prompt (string|nil) Text of the prompt. Defaults to
                       `Select one of:`
                     • format_item (function item -> text) Function to format
                       an individual item from items. Defaults to
                     • kind (string|nil) Arbitrary hint string indicating the
                       item shape. Plugins reimplementing vim.ui.select may
                       wish to use this to infer the structure or semantics of
                       items, or the context in which select() was called.
      • {on_choice}  (function) ((item|nil, idx|nil) -> ()) Called once the
                     user made a choice. idx is the 1-based index of item
                     within items. nil if the user aborted the dialog.

Lua module: filetype                                            lua-filetype

add({filetypes})                                          vim.filetype.add()
    Add new filetype mappings.

    Filetype mappings can be added either by extension or by filename (either
    the "tail" or the full file path). The full file path is checked first,
    followed by the file name. If a match is not found using the filename,
    then the filename is matched against the list of lua-patterns (sorted by
    priority) until a match is found. Lastly, if pattern matching does not
    find a filetype, then the file extension is used.

    The filetype can be either a string (in which case it is used as the
    filetype directly) or a function. If a function, it takes the full path
    and buffer number of the file as arguments (along with captures from the
    matched pattern, if any) and should return a string that will be used as
    the buffer's filetype. Optionally, the function can return a second
    function value which, when called, modifies the state of the buffer. This
    can be used to, for example, set filetype-specific buffer variables.

    Filename patterns can specify an optional priority to resolve cases when a
    file path matches multiple patterns. Higher priorities are matched first.
    When omitted, the priority defaults to 0. A pattern can contain
    environment variables of the form "${SOME_VAR}" that will be automatically
    expanded. If the environment variable is not set, the pattern won't be

    See $VIMRUNTIME/lua/vim/filetype.lua for more examples.


        extension = {
          foo = 'fooscript',
          bar = function(path, bufnr)
            if some_condition() then
              return 'barscript', function(bufnr)
                -- Set a buffer variable
                vim.b[bufnr].barscript_version = 2
            return 'bar'
        filename = {
          ['.foorc'] = 'toml',
          ['/etc/foo/config'] = 'toml',
        pattern = {
          ['.*/etc/foo/.*'] = 'fooscript',
          -- Using an optional priority
          ['.*/etc/foo/.*%.conf'] = { 'dosini', { priority = 10 } },
          -- A pattern containing an environment variable
          ['${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/foo/git'] = 'git',
          ['README.(a+)$'] = function(path, bufnr, ext)
            if ext == 'md' then
              return 'markdown'
            elseif ext == 'rst' then
              return 'rst'

    To add a fallback match on contents, use 

     vim.filetype.add {
       pattern = {
         ['.*'] = {
           priority = -math.huge,
           function(path, bufnr)
             local content = vim.filetype.getlines(bufnr, 1)
             if vim.filetype.matchregex(content, [[^#!.*\<mine\>]]) then
               return 'mine'
             elseif vim.filetype.matchregex(content, [[\<drawing\>]]) then
               return 'drawing'

    Parameters: {filetypes}  (table) A table containing new filetype maps (see

get_option({filetype}, {option})                   vim.filetype.get_option()
    Get the default option value for a {filetype}.

    The returned value is what would be set in a new buffer after 'filetype'
    is set, meaning it should respect all FileType autocmds and ftplugin

      vim.filetype.get_option('vim', 'commentstring')

    Note: this uses nvim_get_option_value() but caches the result. This
    means ftplugin and FileType autocommands are only triggered once and
    may not reflect later changes.

    Parameters: {filetype}  string Filetype
      • {option}    string Option name

        stringbooleaninteger: Option value

match({args})                                           vim.filetype.match()
    Perform filetype detection.

    The filetype can be detected using one of three methods:
    1. Using an existing buffer
    2. Using only a file name
    3. Using only file contents

    Of these, option 1 provides the most accurate result as it uses both the
    buffer's filename and (optionally) the buffer contents. Options 2 and 3
    can be used without an existing buffer, but may not always provide a match
    in cases where the filename (or contents) cannot unambiguously determine
    the filetype.

    Each of the three options is specified using a key to the single argument
    of this function. Example:


       -- Using a buffer number
       vim.filetype.match({ buf = 42 })

       -- Override the filename of the given buffer
       vim.filetype.match({ buf = 42, filename = 'foo.c' })

       -- Using a filename without a buffer
       vim.filetype.match({ filename = 'main.lua' })

       -- Using file contents
       vim.filetype.match({ contents = {'#!/usr/bin/env bash'} })

    Parameters: {args}  (table) Table specifying which matching strategy to use.
                Accepted keys are:
                • buf (number): Buffer number to use for matching. Mutually
                  exclusive with {contents}
                • filename (string): Filename to use for matching. When {buf}
                  is given, defaults to the filename of the given buffer
                  number. The file need not actually exist in the filesystem.
                  When used without {buf} only the name of the file is used
                  for filetype matching. This may result in failure to detect
                  the filetype in cases where the filename alone is not enough
                  to disambiguate the filetype.
                • contents (table): An array of lines representing file
                  contents to use for matching. Can be used with {filename}.
                  Mutually exclusive with {buf}.

        (string|nil) If a match was found, the matched filetype.
        (function|nil) A function that modifies buffer state when called (for
        example, to set some filetype specific buffer variables). The function
        accepts a buffer number as its only argument.

Lua module: keymap                                                lua-keymap

del({modes}, {lhs}, {opts})                                 vim.keymap.del()
    Remove an existing mapping. Examples: 

       vim.keymap.del('n', 'lhs')

       vim.keymap.del({'n', 'i', 'v'}, '<leader>w', { buffer = 5 })

    Parameters: {opts}  (table|nil) A table of optional arguments:
                • buffer: (number or boolean) Remove a mapping from the given
                  buffer. When "true" or 0, use the current buffer.

    See also: vim.keymap.set()

set({mode}, {lhs}, {rhs}, {opts})                           vim.keymap.set()
    Adds a new mapping. Examples: 

       -- Map to a Lua function:
       vim.keymap.set('n', 'lhs', function() print("real lua function") end)
       -- Map to multiple modes:
       vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>lr', vim.lsp.buf.references, { buffer=true })
       -- Buffer-local mapping:
       vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>w', "<cmd>w<cr>", { silent = true, buffer = 5 })
       -- Expr mapping:
       vim.keymap.set('i', '<Tab>', function()
         return vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 and "<C-n>" or "<Tab>"
       end, { expr = true })
       -- <Plug> mapping:
       vim.keymap.set('n', '[%', '<Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward)')

    Parameters: {mode}  string|table Mode short-name, see nvim_set_keymap(). Can
                also be list of modes to create mapping on multiple modes.
      • {lhs}   (string) Left-hand side {lhs} of the mapping.
      • {rhs}   string|function Right-hand side {rhs} of the mapping, can be
                a Lua function.
      • {opts}  (table|nil) Table of :map-arguments.
                • Same as nvim_set_keymap() {opts}, except:
                  • "replace_keycodes" defaults to true if "expr" is true.
                  • "noremap": inverse of "remap" (see below).

                • Also accepts:
                  • "buffer" number|boolean Creates buffer-local mapping, 0
                    or true for current buffer.
                  • remap: (boolean) Make the mapping recursive. Inverses
                    "noremap". Defaults to false.

    See also: nvim_set_keymap()

Lua module: fs                                                        lua-fs

basename({file})                                           vim.fs.basename()
    Return the basename of the given file or directory

    Parameters: {file}  (string) File or directory

        (string) Basename of {file}

dir({path}, {opts})                                             vim.fs.dir()
    Return an iterator over the files and directories located in {path}

    Parameters: {path}  (string) An absolute or relative path to the directory to
                iterate over. The path is first normalized
                vim.fs.normalize().{opts}  table|nil Optional keyword arguments:
                • depth: integer|nil How deep the traverse (default 1)
                • skip: (fun(dir_name: string): boolean)|nil Predicate to
                  control traversal. Return false to stop searching the
                  current directory. Only useful when depth > 1

        Iterator over files and directories in {path}. Each iteration yields
        two values: name and type. Each "name" is the basename of the file or
        directory relative to {path}. Type is one of "file" or "directory".

dirname({file})                                             vim.fs.dirname()
    Return the parent directory of the given file or directory

    Parameters: {file}  (string) File or directory

        (string) Parent directory of {file}

find({names}, {opts})                                          vim.fs.find()
    Find files or directories in the given path.

    Finds any files or directories given in {names} starting from {path}. If
    {upward} is "true" then the search traverses upward through parent
    directories; otherwise, the search traverses downward. Note that downward
    searches are recursive and may search through many directories! If {stop}
    is non-nil, then the search stops when the directory given in {stop} is
    reached. The search terminates when {limit} (default 1) matches are found.
    The search can be narrowed to find only files or only directories by
    specifying {type} to be "file" or "directory", respectively.


     -- location of Cargo.toml from the current buffer's path
     local cargo = vim.fs.find('Cargo.toml', {
       upward = true,
       stop = vim.loop.os_homedir(),
       path = vim.fs.dirname(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)),

     -- list all test directories under the runtime directory
     local test_dirs = vim.fs.find(
       {'test', 'tst', 'testdir'},
       {limit = math.huge, type = 'directory', path = './runtime/'}

     -- get all files ending with .cpp or .hpp inside lib/
     local cpp_hpp = vim.fs.find(function(name, path)
       return name:match('.*%.[ch]pp$') and path:match('[/\\]lib$')
     end, {limit = math.huge, type = 'file'})

    Parameters: {names}  (stringtablefun(name: string, path: string): boolean) Names
                 of the files and directories to find. Must be base names,
                 paths and globs are not supported when {names} is a string or
                 a table. If {names} is a function, it is called for each
                 traversed file and directory with args:
                 • name: base name of the current item
                 • path: full path of the current item The function should
                   return true if the given file or directory is considered
                   a match.
      • {opts}   (table) Optional keyword arguments:
                 • path (string): Path to begin searching from. If omitted,
                   the current-directory is used.
                 • upward (boolean, default false): If true, search upward
                   through parent directories. Otherwise, search through child
                   directories (recursively).
                 • stop (string): Stop searching when this directory is
                   reached. The directory itself is not searched.
                 • type (string): Find only files ("file") or directories
                   ("directory"). If omitted, both files and directories that
                   match {names} are included.
                 • limit (number, default 1): Stop the search after finding
                   this many matches. Use math.huge to place no limit on the
                   number of matches.

        (table) Normalized paths vim.fs.normalize() of all matching files or

normalize({path}, {opts})                                 vim.fs.normalize()
    Normalize a path to a standard format. A tilde (~) character at the
    beginning of the path is expanded to the user's home directory and any
    backslash (\) characters are converted to forward slashes (/). Environment
    variables are also expanded.


       --> 'C:/Users/jdoe'

       --> '/home/jdoe/src/neovim'

       --> '/Users/jdoe/.config/nvim/init.vim'

    Parameters: {path}  (string) Path to normalize
      • {opts}  (table|nil) Options:
                • expand_env: boolean Expand environment variables (default:

        (string) Normalized path

parents({start})                                            vim.fs.parents()
    Iterate over all the parents of the given file or directory.


     local root_dir
     for dir in vim.fs.parents(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)) do
       if vim.fn.isdirectory(dir .. "/.git") == 1 then
         root_dir = dir

     if root_dir then
       print("Found git repository at", root_dir)

    Parameters: {start}  (string) Initial file or directory.

        (function) Iterator

Lua module: secure                                                lua-secure

read({path})                                               vim.secure.read()
    Attempt to read the file at {path} prompting the user if the file should
    be trusted. The user's choice is persisted in a trust database at

    Parameters: {path}  (string) Path to a file to read.

        (string|nil) The contents of the given file if it exists and is
        trusted, or nil otherwise.

    See also: :trust

trust({opts})                                             vim.secure.trust()
    Manage the trust database.

    The trust database is located at $XDG_STATE_HOME/nvim/trust.

    Parameters: {opts}  (table)
                • action (string): "allow" to add a file to the trust database
                  and trust it, "deny" to add a file to the trust database and
                  deny it, "remove" to remove file from the trust database
                • path (string|nil): Path to a file to update. Mutually
                  exclusive with {bufnr}. Cannot be used when {action} is
                • bufnr (number|nil): Buffer number to update. Mutually
                  exclusive with {path}.

        (boolean, string) success, msg:
        • true and full path of target file if operation was successful
        • false and error message on failure

Lua module: version                                              lua-version

The vim.version module provides functions for comparing versions and
ranges conforming to the


spec. Plugins, and plugin managers, can use this to check available tools
and dependencies on the current system.


  local v = vim.version.parse(vim.fn.system({'tmux', '-V'}), {strict=false})
  if vim.version.gt(v, {3, 2, 0}) then
    -- ...

vim.version() returns the version of the current Nvim process.

VERSION RANGE SPEC version-range

A version "range spec" defines a semantic version range which can be
tested against a version, using vim.version.range().

Supported range specs are shown in the following table. Note: suffixed
versions (1.2.3-rc1) are not matched. 

  1.2.3             is 1.2.3
  =1.2.3            is 1.2.3
  >1.2.3            greater than 1.2.3
  <1.2.3            before 1.2.3
  >=1.2.3           at least 1.2.3
  ~1.2.3            is >=1.2.3 <1.3.0       "reasonably close to 1.2.3"
  ^1.2.3            is >=1.2.3 <2.0.0       "compatible with 1.2.3"
  ^0.2.3            is >=0.2.3 <0.3.0       (0.x.x is special)
  ^0.0.1            is =0.0.1               (0.0.x is special)
  ^1.2              is >=1.2.0 <2.0.0       (like ^1.2.0)
  ~1.2              is >=1.2.0 <1.3.0       (like ~1.2.0)
  ^1                is >=1.0.0 <2.0.0       "compatible with 1"
  ~1                same                    "reasonably close to 1"
  1.x               same
  1.*               same
  1                 same
  *                 any version
  x                 same

  1.2.3 - 2.3.4     is >=1.2.3 <=2.3.4

  Partial right: missing pieces treated as x (2.3 => 2.3.x).
  1.2.3 - 2.3       is >=1.2.3 <2.4.0
  1.2.3 - 2         is >=1.2.3 <3.0.0

  Partial left: missing pieces treated as 0 (1.2 => 1.2.0).
  1.2 - 2.3.0       is 1.2.0 - 2.3.0

cmp({v1}, {v2})                                            vim.version.cmp()
    Parses and compares two version version objects (the result of
    vim.version.parse(), or specified literally as a `{major, minor, patch}`
    tuple, e.g. `{1, 0, 3}`).


       if vim.version.cmp({1,0,3}, {0,2,1}) == 0 then
         -- ...
       local v1 = vim.version.parse('1.0.3-pre')
       local v2 = vim.version.parse('0.2.1')
       if vim.version.cmp(v1, v2) == 0 then
         -- ...

        Per semver, build metadata is ignored when comparing two
        otherwise-equivalent versions.

    Parameters: {v1}  Version|number[] Version object.
      • {v2}  Version|number[] Version to compare with v1 .

        (integer) -1 if `v1 < v2`, 0 if `v1 == v2`, 1 if `v1 > v2`.

eq({v1}, {v2})                                              vim.version.eq()
    Returns true if the given versions are equal. See vim.version.cmp() for usage.

    Parameters: {v1}  Version|number[]
      • {v2}  Version|number[]


gt({v1}, {v2})                                              vim.version.gt()
    Returns true if `v1 > v2` . See vim.version.cmp() for usage.

    Parameters: {v1}  Version|number[]
      • {v2}  Version|number[]


last({versions})                                          vim.version.last()
    TODO: generalize this, move to func.lua

    Parameters: {versions}  Version []

        Version ?|ni

lt({v1}, {v2})                                              vim.version.lt()
    Returns true if `v1 < v2` . See vim.version.cmp() for usage.

    Parameters: {v1}  Version|number[]
      • {v2}  Version|number[]


parse({version}, {opts})                                 vim.version.parse()
    Parses a semantic version string and returns a version object which can be
    used with other vim.version functions. For example "1.0.1-rc1+build.2" returns: 

       { major = 1, minor = 0, patch = 1, prerelease = "rc1", build = "build.2" }

    Parameters: {version}  (string) Version string to parse.
      • {opts}     (table|nil) Optional keyword arguments:
                   • strict (boolean): Default false. If true, no coercion
                     is attempted on input not conforming to semver v2.0.0. If
                     false, parse() attempts to coerce input such as
                     "1.0", "0-x", "tmux 3.2a" into valid versions.

        (table|nil) parsed_version Version object or nil if input is invalid.

    See also: # https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html

range({spec})                                            vim.version.range()
    Parses a semver version-range "spec" and returns a range object: 

        from: Version
        to: Version
        has(v: string|Version)

    :has() checks if a version is in the range (inclusive from , exclusive to ). Example: 

      local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0')
      print(r:has('1.9.9'))  -- true
      print(r:has('2.0.0'))  -- false

    Or use cmp(), eq(), lt(), and gt() to compare .to and .from directly: 

      local r = vim.version.range('1.0.0 - 2.0.0')
      print(vim.version.gt({1,0,3}, r.from) and vim.version.lt({1,0,3}, r.to))

    Parameters: {spec}  string Version range "spec"

    See also: # https://github.com/npm/node-semver#ranges


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